Posts by: pladway

La Pubblicità nelle Stazioni Ferroviarie: L’Ascesa del pDOOH

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Le stazioni ferroviarie sono tra i luoghi più trafficati ogni giorno. Per questo motivo, rappresentano un’opportunità unica per il Programmatic Digital Out of Home (pDOOH).

Ogni giorno, milioni di persone transitano nelle stazioni. Di conseguenza, il pDOOH consente ai brand di raggiungere un pubblico diversificato in tempo reale. Inoltre, offre esperienze personalizzate e contestuali, migliorando l’impatto delle campagne pubblicitarie.

Perché il pDOOH nelle stazioni ferroviarie è così efficace?

Alto traffico e targeting preciso
Le stazioni ferroviarie offrono accesso a milioni di pendolari e viaggiatori. In effetti, nel 2022 il traffico ferroviario in Europa ha raggiunto 7,3 miliardi di passeggeri. Inoltre, solo nelle principali stazioni italiane si sono registrati 750 milioni di passaggi nel 2023.

Grazie al pDOOH, i brand possono sfruttare dati demografici, flusso di traffico e orari per adattare i messaggi pubblicitari in tempo reale. Di conseguenza, le campagne risultano più efficaci e mirate, aumentando le possibilità di coinvolgimento del pubblico.

Creatività dinamica e interattività
Uno dei maggiori vantaggi del pDOOH è la possibilità di integrare QR code, realtà aumentata e aggiornamenti basati su meteo o eventi locali. Ad esempio, Virgin Trains ha utilizzato schermi digitali per mostrare in tempo reale i prezzi dei biglietti. Di conseguenza, il coinvolgimento del pubblico è aumentato fino al 40%.

Oltre ai benefici in termini di efficacia, il pDOOH contribuisce alla sostenibilità ambientale. Infatti, il passaggio dalla pubblicità tradizionale al pDOOH riduce l’uso di carta, inchiostro e trasporto dei materiali. Questo, a sua volta, porta a una riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 fino al 60% per campagna.

Misurabilità e trasparenza
Un ulteriore punto di forza del pDOOH è la possibilità di monitorare l’andamento delle campagne in tempo reale. A differenza della pubblicità tradizionale, il pDOOH utilizza tecnologie avanzate come sensori e fotocamere. Di conseguenza, i brand possono ottenere dati dettagliati su visualizzazioni, coinvolgimento e conversioni, ottimizzando così le strategie pubblicitarie.

Targeting preciso
Un altro vantaggio chiave del pDOOH è la possibilità di raccogliere dati demografici e comportamentali in tempo reale. Grazie a ciò, gli annunci diventano sempre più mirati e pertinenti.

Ad esempio, durante le ore di punta le pubblicità possono rivolgersi ai professionisti in viaggio verso il lavoro. Al contrario, nei weekend possono essere orientate verso famiglie o turisti.

Creatività dinamica e personalizzazione
Un aspetto fondamentale del pDOOH è la capacità di adattare gli annunci in base a orario, condizioni meteo e altri fattori esterni.

Per esempio, durante un’ondata di caldo, un brand di bevande può promuovere drink rinfrescanti. Viceversa, in caso di pioggia, può sponsorizzare cappotti o ombrelli.

Inoltre, l’ottimizzazione creativa dinamica (DCO) permette di modificare i messaggi pubblicitari in tempo reale. Non a caso, secondo VIOOH, le campagne dinamiche hanno registrato un’efficacia superiore del 35% rispetto a quelle statiche.

A conferma di ciò, un’indagine di Ocean Outdoor ha evidenziato che il pDOOH nelle stazioni aumenta il coinvolgimento degli utenti del 25%.

Infine, il 70% dei brand considera il pDOOH più efficace in termini di ROI rispetto alla pubblicità tradizionale.

Le stazioni ferroviarie: un’opportunità strategica per il pDOOH

Alla luce di questi dati, le stazioni ferroviarie si confermano un asset strategico per il pDOOH. Non sorprende, quindi, che Pladway ottenga il 35% delle revenue proprio da campagne programmatiche nelle stazioni. Questo dimostra quanto questi spazi siano fondamentali per incrementare brand awareness ed engagement.

Tendenze emergenti nel pDOOH ferroviario

Integrazione con mobile e retargeting
Attualmente, una delle tendenze più rilevanti è l’integrazione del pDOOH con i dispositivi mobili. In questo modo, i brand possono mostrare annunci rilevanti sui display nelle stazioni e poi retargetizzare gli stessi utenti sui loro smartphone.

Dati in tempo reale per l’ottimizzazione delle campagne
Oltre a orari e condizioni meteo, l’uso di dati in tempo reale sta diventando essenziale per migliorare le campagne pubblicitarie. Ad esempio, durante eventi speciali o festività, i brand possono modificare i loro messaggi per massimizzare l’efficacia della campagna.

Schermi interattivi e realtà aumentata
Un’altra innovazione chiave è l’uso di schermi interattivi e tecnologie di realtà aumentata nelle stazioni ferroviarie. Infatti, questi strumenti permettono ai viaggiatori di interagire direttamente con i contenuti pubblicitari.

Un esempio di successo è la campagna AR di Pepsi nelle stazioni di Londra, che ha portato a un aumento delle vendite del 35%.

Il futuro del pDOOH nelle stazioni

Grazie ai continui progressi nell’intelligenza artificiale e nel machine learning, il pDOOH diventerà sempre più sofisticato. In particolare, sarà possibile analizzare il comportamento dei viaggiatori e offrire pubblicità altamente personalizzate.

Non a caso, secondo alcune stime, il mercato globale del DOOH raggiungerà i 26 miliardi di dollari entro il 2027, con un tasso di crescita annuo del 10,1%. Le stazioni ferroviarie, grazie al loro flusso costante di viaggiatori, saranno un elemento chiave di questa espansione.


Alla luce di questi dati, il pDOOH nelle stazioni ferroviarie si conferma una soluzione in forte crescita. Pertanto, i brand che desiderano raggiungere milioni di consumatori con annunci personalizzati e misurabili in tempo reale non possono ignorare questa opportunità.

Pladway ti offre la possibilità di sfruttare al meglio il pDOOH nelle stazioni ferroviarie. Vuoi scoprire come rendere più efficace la tua strategia pubblicitaria? Contattaci per una consulenza personalizzata!

Halloween 2024: Una grande occasione per le tue campagne pubblicitarie con pDOOH!

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Ciao a tutti,

Halloween sta diventando una festività sempre più popolare in Italia, non solo tra i più giovani, ma anche tra le famiglie. Per i brand, è ormai essenziale distinguersi durante questo periodo per incrementare sia le vendite che la brand awareness. Infatti, il 39% degli italiani che celebra Halloween lo fa fuori casa, principalmente nei centri città, offrendo una grande opportunità per la comunicazione out of home.

La spesa media dei consumatori durante Halloween è cresciuta notevolmente, raggiungendo i 67€ per persona nel 2023, rispetto ai 25€ dell’anno precedente (UV Programmatic Occasio…). Questo trend evidenzia come Halloween non sia più solo una festività anglosassone, ma una vera e propria occasione di business anche in Italia (Confesercenti).

Se stai pianificando una campagna pubblicitaria per Halloween 2024, il Programmatic Digital Out of Home (pDOOH) è la scelta perfetta per garantire visibilità e coinvolgimento. Grazie alla flessibilità della programmazione automatizzata, il pDOOH ti permette di adattare i contenuti in tempo reale, raggiungendo i consumatori nei momenti più strategici.

Perché il pDOOH è lo strumento giusto per Halloween?

  1. Flessibilità massima: Una delle caratteristiche principali del pDOOH è la possibilità di pianificare le campagne in modo estremamente preciso. Puoi decidere quando e dove i tuoi annunci appariranno, in base a fattori come l’orario, il traffico e persino le condizioni meteo. Ad esempio, durante Halloween, puoi far apparire le tue campagne in prossimità di eventi locali o nelle ore di maggiore affluenza nei centri città (JCDecaux)
  2. Impatto visivo elevato: Gli schermi digitali del pDOOH, specialmente se usati con contenuti dinamici e coinvolgenti, catturano l’attenzione del pubblico. Più dell’88% dei consumatori nota e ricorda le pubblicità viste su schermi DOOH, specialmente durante eventi stagionali come Halloween. Aggiungere elementi visivi interattivi o creativi, come schermi 3D o countdown dinamici a tema, può rendere la tua campagna ancora più memorabile (Vistar Media).
  3. Integrazione con i social media: Una delle opportunità più interessanti del pDOOH è la sua capacità di integrarsi perfettamente con i canali digitali e i social media. Le installazioni pubblicitarie a tema Halloween, particolarmente coinvolgenti e creative, possono incoraggiare il pubblico a condividere la propria esperienza online, amplificando ulteriormente la portata del messaggio grazie ai contenuti generati dagli utenti (JCDecaux).
  4. Ottimizzazione in tempo reale: Con il pDOOH, le campagne possono essere monitorate e ottimizzate in tempo reale. Questo significa che puoi aggiustare il tiro in base ai risultati ottenuti e adattare la tua strategia per massimizzare l’impatto, modificando ad esempio il target in base alle performance, o variando i messaggi in base al momento della giornata (New Digital Age).
  5. Esperienze memorabili e virali: Halloween è il momento perfetto per creare esperienze uniche per il pubblico. I maxi-schermi digitali e le installazioni interattive possono trasformarsi in vere e proprie attrazioni, invitando i passanti a interagire con il brand e a condividere l’esperienza sui social. Questo approccio aumenta non solo la brand awareness ma anche la brand loyalty, grazie a un’esperienza coinvolgente che resterà impressa nella mente dei consumatori.
  6. Coinvolgimento interattivo: Il pDOOH può includere elementi interattivi come countdown per Halloween o sondaggi che invitano il pubblico a partecipare direttamente alla campagna. Questo non solo attira l’attenzione, ma incoraggia anche la condivisione sui social, amplificando l’efficacia della campagna (Framen).


Halloween 2024 rappresenta una grande opportunità per i brand che vogliono distinguersi e creare campagne pubblicitarie indimenticabili. Con il pDOOH, hai la possibilità di raggiungere il tuo pubblico nel momento giusto e nel posto giusto, creando contenuti dinamici e coinvolgenti che sfruttano al massimo la stagione.

Vuoi saperne di più su come sfruttare il pDOOH per Halloween e altre occasioni speciali? Rimani sintonizzato per ulteriori aggiornamenti o contattaci per pianificare la tua campagna!

A presto,


Why pDOOH Campaigns in Shopping Malls are Your Next Winning Move

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With the holiday season and shopping approaching, now is the perfect time to review your marketing strategies and consider the potential of Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH) in shopping malls. If you’re looking for an effective way to reach your target audience when they’re most likely to purchase, this is the ideal solution.

Why Choose DOOH in Shopping Malls?

Outstanding Visibility: Imagine influencing consumers while they’re already in shopping mode. Mall visitors are already purchase-oriented, and with DOOH campaigns, you can intercept their decisions in real time. According to data, it can increase brand trust by 13% compared to brands without this exposure. Additionally, 65% of consumers take immediate action after seeing a DOOH ad, such as visiting a website or making an online purchase (Eskimi).

Purchase-Friendly Environment: Shopping malls provide a highly favorable setting for pDOOH campaigns due to visitors’ natural shopping mindset. People in malls are already in “shopping mode,” making them especially receptive to advertising messages and more likely to be influenced in their purchasing decisions.

Moreover, malls offer a controlled environment that ensures consistent ad visibility. Unlike outdoor campaigns, where weather conditions can negatively affect perception and ad effectiveness, pDOOH in malls is always visible. This guarantees message consistency and greater brand safety, as ads are not subject to interruptions or external factors, ensuring that the target audience always sees the content as intended.

In a context where visibility control is crucial to protect brand integrity and maximize effectiveness, pDOOH in malls offers a safe and stable platform for delivering ads, reducing risks associated with external environments, and ensuring the message reaches the audience without distortions.

Flexibility and Precise Targeting: One of the main strengths of DOOH, especially with Pladway, is the ability to customize messages based on context. For example, you can choose the best time slots to reach your audience or adjust the ad content based on weather conditions. Contextual ads, modified based on time or weather, can increase ad effectiveness by 17% (Eskimi).

Attention-Grabbing Visual Experiences: DOOH displays are not just screens; they are real tools for visual engagement. Dynamic content can hold the audience’s attention 60% longer than static ads (Eskimi). The combination of high resolution, video, and personalized messages makes the experience memorable for passersby.

Real-Time Measurement and Continuous Optimization: With Pladway’s advanced technology, you can monitor real-time interactions with your ads. The data collected allows you to continuously optimize your campaign, improve targeting, and increase return on investment. DOOH campaigns that use real-time data to optimize content can see a ROI increase of up to 20% (Eskimi).

Success Stories

McDonald’s “Golden Chances” in the UK: To celebrate the 10th anniversary of its Monopoly partnership, McDonald’s launched a pDOOH campaign to promote the “Golden Chances” competition. The campaign used over 200 digital screens across the country with real-time updates and regionally personalized messages. Results showed that 69% of viewers found the message relevant, and 73% said they wanted to participate in the competition. This strategy demonstrated how targeted campaigns can increase engagement and message relevance (OUTFRONT) (Outsmart Out of Home Ltd).

Weather-Reactive Campaign for McDonald’s McCafé in the UK: This campaign, launched in shopping malls during the summer months, used weather data to automatically update content based on temperature. When temperatures exceeded 22°C, the campaign promoted McDonald’s cold drinks, making the message more relevant to passersby. This campaign demonstrated the effectiveness of pDOOH in delivering dynamic, context-adaptable content (Vertical Impression).


pDOOH campaigns in shopping malls offer a unique opportunity to reach consumers in a highly purchase-prone context. With the ability to customize and schedule campaigns with Pladway (part of the Voilàp group), you can maximize your advertising budget’s effectiveness, ensuring your messages reach the right people, at the right time, and in the right context. Don’t miss the chance to stand out this season with targeted and innovative advertising strategies.

If you’re ready to take your advertising campaigns to the next level with DOOH in shopping malls, contact us to find out how we can help you achieve your marketing goals!

Pladway and The Trade Desk forge new partnership to elevate Programmatic Advertising in Italy

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As Pladway, we are proud to announce our collaboration with The Trade Desk, the global leader in advertising technology. Consequently, we are bringing programmatic advertising to new heights in Italy. We are providing brands and media agencies with real-time access to digital ads on outdoor screens.

Pladway offers the largest pool of programmatic DOOH inventory in the Italian market. Our coverage spans 18,000 screens in 150 cities. Therefore, through our partnership, The Trade Desk becomes the first omnichannel media-buying platform to grant advertisers this level of access in Italy.

The Trade Desk™ (NASDAQ: TTD) is a multinational tech company operating in the advertising buying sector. Its proprietary cloud-based platform allows planning, managing, and optimizing advertising campaigns across digital formats, including display, video, audio, and native. Furthermore, it supports a variety of devices, such as desktop, mobile, tablet, connected TV, and DOOH. The platform’s integration with leading global and local publishers and data suppliers maximizes coverage and decision-making capabilities. Moreover, the extensive range of enterprise APIs allows for significant platform customization. The Trade Desk is headquartered in Ventura, CA (USA) and has offices in North America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. In Italy, the company is based in Milan.

“Programmatic advertising for DOOH is rapidly gaining momentum. Brands and agencies are showing increasing interest while simultaneously demanding automation, direct campaign control, and improved reporting,” says Marco Orlandi, CEO of Pladway. “Thus, thanks to the integration between Pladway and The Trade Desk, it will be possible to meet these needs. The adoption of DOOH will be simpler for omnichannel advertisers. Consequently, this will foster further expansion of the segment. According to data from the Politecnico di Milano, it is expected to grow by over 20% in 2024. The estimated value will be 242 million euros, equivalent to 32% of the overall Out-Of-Home market”

“Through omnichannel campaigns, brands and advertising agencies can harness the true power of programmatic advertising. They provide advertisers with more data and insights into their campaigns,” said Angela Bersini, General Manager Italy at The Trade Desk. Additionally, enabling DOOH as part of a brand’s media strategy can accelerate the impact of a campaign. It helps improve targeting and measurement, which can lead to better overall campaign performance and the achievement of business objectives.”

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Let’s Talk Programmatic: Pladway’s interview at Broadsign’s microphones

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Marco Orlandi shares his perspective with Christian Dion, Marketing Director,
Programmatic Solutions at Broadsign, on programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) trends,
omnichannel media strategies, DOOH measurement and much more.


Broadsign is the leading international platform for Digital Out of Home (DOOH) solutions with the broadest global coverage available today in 82 countries reaching a total of 76 billion impressions per month, which last year signed an agreement to integrate its Broadsign Reach SSP with Pladway’s DSP.
Less than a year after this integration, Broadsign and Pladway take stock of the industry and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in a dedicated interview.

Read the article and watch the video interview on Broadsign blog here.



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Brand and Smart City: love requited?

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The DOOH programmatic in support of Smart cities and the construction of a sustainable and circular environment.
Pladway’s position on the role of ad-tech advertising and brands in the evolution of urban centers in a green key.


Presenting the peculiarities of out-of-home advertising in terms of reducing the impact of outdoor technologies on the environment, Marco Orlandi, CEO of Pladway, a company specializing in programmatic out-of-home advertising, and head of the Digital Division of the Voilàp Group, which includes, in addition to Pladway, the companies Imecon and MotIQa.

Brand protagonists of the Green evolution of cities
Cities are the main producers of waste, with a significant impact on the environment. 54% of the population lives in urban contexts with high population density that contribute a global footprint of 60/80%. Their transformation into Circular Cities allows them to become eco-sustainable in order to be at the forefront of the battle against waste, inefficiency and pollution. In this context, the advertising industry can also make a difference.

The contribution that this sector can make to environmental sustainability was at the heart of Orlandi’s speech on January 28 in front of an audience of professionals and start-uppers under 30 at Campus Party Spotlight, the event promoted by Enel Energia and focused on Circular Cities.

In the presentation entitled ‘Brand and Smart City: love requited?‘, Orlandi made a useful contribution to laying the foundations for building the world of the future, making cities Circular and therefore sustainable.
The city is the natural place where to start taking concrete actions for the environment and we are all called to take care of it. In 2022, consumers expect from major brands a concrete commitment to support and address environmental and social causes. Outdoor advertising media (part of the so-called ‘street furniture’), which host and project the promotional campaigns of brands in the city streets, are working to play their part in supporting this process of creating new, circular and sustainable cities. How? By becoming living messages themselves, collectors of environment-related initiatives – an example of this is the bus and streetcar stop shelters adorned with greenery to feed the ecosystem of bees, so important for nature and mankind.


The role of out-of-home advertising
Out-of-home advertising is the medium that, more than any other, is able to show the commitment to the environment and the values of brands to citizens in total transparency. In today’s ‘thinking’ cities, communication is a two-way continuum. Citizens and companies must learn to listen to the needs of their cities, and in turn, municipalities can play a pioneering role in high impact sustainability initiatives.

Urban furniture in this perspective can serve the purpose of enabling communication with citizens through shelters, totems, street lamps and other objects equipped with sensors capable of “listening” to the needs of the city.
Within these outdoor media, there is the contribution that advertising can make, especially to that part of the public that recognizes its positive informational value (for 78% of respondents in the Clear Channel France survey, advertising is indeed capable of making a positive contribution to society).

Although for some, advertising is too intrusive in people’s lives, research by Clear Channel (speech by the Clear Channel France CEO, Boutaina Araki at the WOO Forum in May, 18th 2021) shows that outdoor advertising is the least intrusive and therefore the most accepted by citizens.

Advertising innovation for environmental sustainability
Digital out-of-home speaks the language of digital and the internet, while solving a number of problems that online advertising has, such as “skipping” in front of ads or fraud and bot traffic.
Content played in this “cookieless” environment remains central and, on outdoor canopies, is seen by the audience as a source of timely, personalized and contextualized information.

Automation and digitization are then enablers of comprehensive campaigns, coordinated and optimized in terms of economic and creative resources. This is why, in the long run, digital screens will be increasingly widespread in urban contexts. It then becomes fundamental to address the issue of their sustainability.
Is it true that digital screens consume a lot? If we take into account the overall balance between traditional and digital screens, the numbers are in favor of the latter: 27,000 km of van saved (for set-up and periodic maintenance on traditional OOH billboards compared to the digital ones of DOOH), 6.2 tons of CO2 saved as well as 5 tons of paper no longer needed each year. 

Pladway’s contribution
Ad-tech software that contributes to the automation of the advertising component, such as Pladway, plays an important role for the smart city because it allows its objects to be connected and easily reached by the most conspicuous component of the advertising market, the programmatic one.

As has already happened on the web, programmatic technology – based on algorithms that automate the purchase and distribution of advertising – allows brands to choose the best positions for their communication based on data, without having to contact the various dealers and media owners individually. By making OOH speak the language of the web, a pDOOH platform such as Pladway allows screens in the city to host advertising messages in an easy, fully automated, customizable way at any time (unlike their paper counterparts) and economically sustainable way.

The approach between DOOH and online communication, better known and the main channel of investment and consideration by the brand, simplifies the meeting between demand and supply of space. Finally, even the schedules of OOH screens can be managed in real time and selected in a scientific way, through their own qualities and data (detected by sensors that certify the views and count the people potentially exposed).

Corresponded love
The DOOH, with the brands that invest in it, is able to represent today a stimulus and an authoritative source to finance new projects useful for the development of smart cities. The contribution of the brands for smart cities passes through three areas: storytelling, i.e. the content of the campaign that conveys brand values in line with the expectations of the public – which expects from it a greater attention to social initiatives and public interest -, the theme of functional funding to bring useful objects and projects to the cities and, last but not least, the know-how to implement earth-friendly initiatives.


Click on the image to watch to Marco Orlandi’s full talk
at Campus Party Spotlight 2022
– Italian language –



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Macropix and Pladway:
the new PharmaPix network with 100% programmatic DOOH campaigns

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Agreement between Milan-based Macropix and Pladway
for the 100% programmatic offer on the PharmaPix circuit in pharmacies.


Pladway and Macropix, a Milan-based company that develops, produces and markets LED displays, announce the launch of a commercial and technological partnership at the base of the new ‘PharmaPix’ offering.
This agreement allows brands and their agencies to plan exclusively in programmatic within a network of pharmacies that currently consists of 100 stores, in 66 cities in 12 Italian regions, with 500 more stores soon to come . The operation allows Macropix to qualify as a new DOOH operator, able to offer its circuit of screens in a 100% programmatic mode via Pladway’s SSP.

Through this operation, Pladway reaffirms its position as market leader in the programmatic out-of-home advertising industry. The inclusion of the PharmaPix network in the offer, allows brands to address their communication in a smart way on new generation screens positioned in physical areas with high attendance and with a specific target audience such as pharmacies.

“PharmaPix offer acknowledges that the use of advertising screens, especially in the preparation of the shop windows, is increasingly widespread within pharmacies. Today, there is a growing need to differentiate the offer and to adopt marketing strategies aimed at improving the service, both for regular users and new customers, providing them with timely information on new products and promotions. Within our strategy of evolution of the DOOH offer, we decided to simplify the scenario by focusing on the full automation of the buying and selling process. We are happy to work with Pladway’s leading platform, which allows interested brands to easily match with the opportunities represented by the presence on our screens with flexible, highly profilable campaigns measured in real time” said Marco Fabiani, General Manager of Macropix.

Marco Orlandi, CEO of Pladway commented with satisfaction on the agreement: “We are pleased that Macropix joined the unique proposition and technology of Pladway, and has decided to use our technologies for the exclusive management of its entire advertising plan. This new collaboration demonstrates how the Programmatic channel optimize advertising revenues through the full automation of the offer. To complete the project, we will also support Macropix for the commercial and strategic positioning of the medium within the digital scenario.”


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Pladway and Sky Media:
Programmatic DOOH lands even at Rome Airports

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Sky Media, advertising agency of Aeroporti di Roma, extends, thanks to Pladway,
the possibilities for Brands to convey their own advertising messages
in all areas of Fiumicino and Ciampino Airports in Programmatic mode.


Sky Media is known for its ability to innovate and to always offer advertisers new technological and advertising solutions, responding promptly to market needs.
In the Out Of Home sector, Sky Media is the advertising agency of Aeroporti di Roma. During the course of this partnership, Sky Media has continuously promoted and supported the digitalization of the Airport asset, promoting the integration of new opportunities for Brands.

Select and reach a premium and high-spending audience in Rome

Sky Media and Aeroporti di Roma have never stopped innovating, seeking to stimulate the recovery of the advertising market throughout 2020 and 2021.
This ongoing commitment has led to the debut of a new opportunity for clients interested in presiding over the Digital Out Of Home world at airports.
In 2020, Sky Media has in fact introduced the Programmatic mode to allow Brands to structure 100% customized Digital Out Of Home campaigns in terms of day and time of delivery, circuits and digital screens covered and audience reached in the Aeroporti di Roma network.

The introduction of Programmatic in the offer of Sky Media leverages on the technological agreement with Pladway, the platform part of the Voilàp group that supports Publishers and Clients in the purchase and sale of programmatic advertising, as well as in the management of advertising assets.
Aeroporti di Roma represents one of the main airport systems in Italy and in the world, and every year it ranks first in Italy for number of passengers.

This supremacy guarantees high visibility and a strong impact on passengers to all the Brands present at Fiumicino and Ciampino, and the possibility to reach a business and leisure target during waiting times, capturing passengers’ attention thanks to a form of entertainment that does not annoy and intercepts the audience on the move.

Thanks to the introduction of the Programmatic mode, Customers have the possibility to select with extreme precision what kind of target to reach and how to convey their advertising messages, thanks to an efficient and effective budget management based on the OTS purchased and monitoring the performance of the DOOH campaign at any time and independently.


The future of pDOOH in the Airports of Rome

The digitalization of Sky Media and ADR’s Out Of Home world will continue in 2022. In fact, the two partners are working to further expand the network of facilities at Fiumicino and Ciampino that can be covered in Programmatic mode, involving new digital circuits to cover all the targets present at Rome’s airports.
This further innovation will give Brands the possibility to convey their advertising messages in all areas of Fiumicino and Ciampino Airports, selecting in an even more precise way the out-of-home contacts to be reached with their communication.

Pladway will accompany this process, supporting both the technical and consultancy side of Sky Media and ADR’s Programmatic planning.

For any further information and curiosity about Sky Media’s Out Of Home offer, please write to the general email:

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The DOOH programmatic to intercept the in-store audience during Christmas shopping

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Video and Audio on in-store screens and radios planned through the Pladway platform
can reach almost 80% of the consumers engaged in Christmas shopping
in more than 1,000 stores and shopping centers in Italy.


Pladway, the programmatic advertising platform part of the Voilàp group, presents the details of its new initiative dedicated to indoor and in-store digital advertising, which allows Brands to intercept the recovery of mobility through timely communications close to the place of purchase.

As we approach the hottest sales period for consumer brands, the picture that is emerging sees DOOH and in-store advertising taking on an increasingly prominent role in the strategies and communication plans of companies,” explains Marco Orlandi, CEO of Pladway.

In shopping centers, innovative systems for digital communication and information are becoming more and more widespread, representing opportunities for visitors and customers to engage.
According to the six-monthly analysis of Confimprese, retail is now showing signs of revival that exceed the estimates made at the beginning of the year: a progression of 8%, for a total of 828 new openings expected by the end of 2021, with shopping centers being the first channel in Italy for the opening of new stores,

The programmatic mode is the next step of advertising in physical shopping spaces, being able to more effectively guide the buying habits of consumers. “Through digital advertising, indoor or in-store, it is possible to optimize brand campaigns by adapting contents and frequencies to the promotion contextcomments Orlandi. “The programmatic channel is able to manage the peculiarities of the different physical contexts, thanks to the possibility to plan with maximum flexibility the contents and to optimize their exposure to the target audience. The digital screens, whether they are high impact or totems placed along the galleries of shopping centers or in-store, are able to achieve different contact and engagement tactics, with a level of personalization that grows with the evolution of the underlying technologies. The wide range of retail screens present on our platform allows brands to identify Pladway as a natural interface to manage their planning in malls throughout the territory“.


The integrated offer for buyers and media centers allows the purchase and management of DOOH programmatic campaigns in over 100 Italian malls located in 100 cities along the entire boot. In addition, there are almost 1,000 points of sale where the in-store radio offer is active.

We believe that the positive air we breathe today in the Retail Business – in turmoil due to the desire to invest in adapting the real estate assets to the new normality – can also bring benefits to the advertising sector. We therefore intend to be promoters in this evolving panorama of advanced visibility opportunities for brands and their media agencies, starting as early as the end-of-year holidays,” Orlandi concludes.

Pladway: Programmatic DOOH to take off in Italian airports

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The easing of travel restrictions and the potential of advertising:
a combination that once again rewards brands that choose to invest in out-of-home
to intercept mobile audiences.


Pladway, the programmatic advertising platform part of Voilàp Group, comments on the state of investments in digital out-of-home advertising by brands this fall and launches a new initiative for the airport segment.

“OOH advertising returns to be at the center of the communication strategies of the brands: to drive the fall season are both the iconic screens in large urban centers and in the nerve centers of major traffic and, above all, the spaces with high attendance and transit” indicate from the company led by Marco Orlandi.

Airports, in particular, represent in DOOH’s plans areas of renewed appeal for advertisers in every sector – from Fashion to Automotive to Food and Travel. Advertising in these environments, in fact, is seen by consumers as more qualifying and more prestigious than others – a perception that has remained unchanged despite the pandemic – according to independent research by ResearchBods for JCDecaux Airport.



“By August 2021, nearly two out of three travelers had already resumed flying, so brands are looking to those spaces and technologies that provide opportunities to invest in a target audience of people on the move and return reliable analytics data,” explains Orlandi.

Pladway, with its integrated offer for the purchase and management of ooh campaigns in programmatic, presents itself as a unique interlocutor for planning in the main Italian airports thanks to a dedicated solution that allows access to a global inventory in the airport circuits, reaching almost 800 screens of five Premium Publishers in 19 airports throughout the country.

To complete the airport offer, a further inventory of 700 screens in 10 foreign countries allows to reach the most suitable DOOH screens to reach the audience of interest all over the globe and to maximize the relevance of the messages transmitted in programmatic.
“The advertising market has been able to intercept this fall the desire to start traveling again. In Pladway we are already ready to support it, automating and facilitating access to DOOH screens in airports in Italy and around the world,” Orlandi concludes.